
Actions represent what needs to be done in response to something happening in your application.

Unlike libraries like Redux, where “actions” are plain data to be interpreted by some other entity, Shironeko uses cats-effect compatible type that can execute literally anything. This is a lot of freedom, and you lose some perks of plain data model, but there are benefits:

Pure FP

Composition & asynchrony are baked in

Async computations, such as AJAX requests, are bread and butter of frontend applications. With Shironeko, you can combine multiple requests in one go with familiar operators:

val doThingA: F[Unit] = ???
val doThingB: F[Unit] = ???

val doBothThingsSequentially = doThingA >> doThingB
val doBothThingsInParallel   = doThingA.start >> doThingB

No middleware is required, no extra types to learn and you can use any cats-effect compatible library (e.g. sttp or Hammock for AJAX) out of the box.

No boilerplate, simple model

  • You write things you want to run
  • You run those things by triggers in your UI/timers/etc.

There are no special classes to extend, no complicated machinery of what needs to do what. Code reuse is achieved with regular techniques, such as extracting a method, and you can always return an intermediate value as F[A] if you need to use results somehow.


Shironeko-specific components can update themselves based on data coming in any fs2.Stream.

If you are not familiar with fs2, it’s similar to evaluating some effectful potentially async computation (driven by F, stream’s first type parameter) and giving you all intermediate results as soon as you can process them (of type A, second type parameter). Async computations doesn’t actually mean that you’d be sending requests left and right, it can be as simple as waiting for some value to change.

While not needed for basic use of Shironeko, streams come with many combinators, e.g.

  • You can strip and/or transform data coming to you with map and evalMap
  • You can optimize away unwanted updates with .filter or .changes
  • You can reduce the frequency of updates with .debounce*
  • You can use Stream.resource(..) to have a mount/unmount lifecycle hook, and evalTap to get an update hook.
  • You can create a simple timed update with Stream.awakeEvery.*

* - you need your algebra to provide a Timer, or use type like Monix Task which always has it

State cells

State cells is where your application state is stored, and can be changed or observed by React. Shironeko uses SignallingRef[F, A] from fs2, which gives you mutation API of Ref and ability to observe writes as fs2.Stream by calling it’s .discrete method.


Store is an object, or a tagless algebra in tagless style, which contains data you want to be manipuating (displaying and modifying).

There’s no base class or anything like that, however, tagless style requires a single “hole” for the type constructor in the type, i.e.

class Store[F[_]] // <- like this, a.k.a. kind (* -> *) -> *


To simplify definition of multiple state cells, Shironeko provides a small DSL.

class Store(dsl: StoreDSL[IO]) {
  import dsl._
  // Constructing state cells
  val counter = cell(0)
  val name    = cell("")
  // event streams
  val updates = events[String]
  // and also plain Refs, for things you don't want to show
  val hiddenState = ref(List[String]())

object Store {
  // `construct` is a factory method
  def make: IO[Store] = Store(_))

DSL is deliberately not referentially transparent - conventional alternative is more boilerplatey:

class Store (
  val counter: Cell[IO, Int],
  val name:    Cell[IO, String],
  val updates: Events[IO, String],
  val hiddenState: Ref[IO, List[String]]

object Store {
  def make: IO[Store] =
    (Cell[IO, Int](0), Cell[IO, String](""), Events[IO, String], Ref[IO].of(List[String]()))
      .mapN(new Store(_, _, _, _))

It makes it harder to do modifications such as introducing / removing new cells, and with types more complex than Int/String, duplication becomes quite significant.

DSL is also protected in a way that you only can use it once, while the object is being constructed. E.g. doing something like this

def mkExtraCell = cell(50)

will fail at runtime. Same for lazy val and fields in objects (these need to be triggered manually)

However, DSL is optional. If it irks you, don’t use it.


Connector is a special object that links your store to React. It provides a number of internal classes for you to extend in order to create a container component (see section below).

Recommended usage is to just have a global object:

object Connector extends DirectConnector[IO, Store]

or, in tagless style:

object Connector extends TaglessConnector[StoreF]

There’s one method you might want to override:

def reportUncaughtException(e: Throwable): Unit

Actually using a connector requires ConcurrentEffect instance for your effect type. The easiest option is to wire everything up in main of IOApp or similar type, where this instance should be available.

A store needs to be supplied to use a connector, either explicitly:

ReactDOM.render(Connector(store)(Routes()), domElement)

or as an implicit:

implicit val s: Store = store
ReactDOM.render(Connector(Routes()), domElement)

Connector needs to be higher in rendering tree, otherwise an exception will be raised. You only need to use it once per store, however.

// Valid, recommended
// Valid, recommended
Connector(div(Routes(), Routes()))

// Valid, but not recommended
// Broken


Container is a special component tied to a certain connector. It’s very similar to a react component, except it:

  • gets its State updates from fs2 Stream instead of managing it internally
  • can dispatch actions (of type F[Unit])

Containers are bridges between your pure logic and plain Slinky/React components. When extending a Connector.Container, you need to specify two types (State and Props) and implement two methods:

  • subscribe, which generates a stream of States that will be passed down to render
  • render, which converts state and props to Slinky/React DOM tree
object StateDisplay extends ConnectorF.Container {
  type Props = Int
  type State = String
  def subscribe[F[_]: Subscribe]: fs2.Stream[F, State] =
  def render[F[_]: Render](state: State, props: Props): ReactElement =
    div(s"props = $props, state = $state")

render method is similar to one you use in Slinky, however, state and props are passed as parameters, instead of being available as fields on this.

subscribe can return any Stream of what you defined your State as, including time-based, or fixed constant values. Most commonly you will use a combination of state cells from your store algebra, by calling .discrete, possibly stripping away unnecessary information with map and/or some additional optimization (e.g. .changes, .debounce)

Subscribe typeclass, that is available in subscribe method, is equivalent to having Concurrent[F] and Store[F] in scope. Render is equivalent to having Subscribe[F] plus a limited version of ConcurrentEffect[F] (called Exec), which only allows to run actions without receiving any feedback.

This restriction only exists in tagless version. Direct version is simpler:

object StateDisplay extends Connector.Container {
  type Props = Int
  type State = String
  def subscribe: fs2.Stream[IO, State] =
  def render(state: State, props: Props): ReactElement =
    div(s"props = $props, state = $state")

Concurrent and Exec instances are still available in whole container’s body. That means, you don’t need e.g. ContextShift[IO] to fork fibers, or monix Scheduler to run Tasks.

Finally, there are several base classes in each Connector:

  • Container has both State and Props
  • ContainerNoProps has State only. Best fit for top-level containers
  • ContainerNoState has Props only. Useful when you only want to dispatch actions

The signature of render in NoXX variants have been adjusted accordingly, and you can’t implement subscribe in ContainerNoState

Tagless version also provides additional variants:

  • ContainerF
  • ContainerFNoProps

For both of them, you have to implement type State[F[_]] instead of paramenterless type State. They are occasionally useful if you want to keep some kind of action around to attach as a callback.

A case class can be used to implement Props/State, and it’s the recommended approach. However, subscribe implementation becomes tricky:

object StateDisplay extends Connector.ContainerNoProps {
  case class State(name: String, count: Int)
  def subscribe: fs2.Stream[IO, State] = 
  def render(props: Props): ReactElement =
    div(s"props = $props, state = $state")

For “somehowCombine”, we want to get the most fresh values from each signal. This can be done using Applicative[Signal[F, *]]:

def subscribe: fs2.Stream[IO, State] = 
  (getAlgebra.count,, _)).discrete

Here, while we are still working with fs2 Signal, it can be done. However, plain fs2 Streams have nothing similar out of the box, so we have to convert them to Signal first with hold/holdOption.

Signals are also much less flexible than streams, so it’s preferable to work with the latter.

Shironeko provides utility function combine for parallel combination of any N streams into a case class, tuple, or anything else with .apply method on a companion that accepts N parameters, removing the need to .hold things manually. It’s described in utilities section of this doc.

(N.B. in other Rx libraries a similar in spirit operator is called combineLatest)