combine - parallel merging of fs2.Streams

combine takes a name of class, which companion has apply method (e.g. tuple or case class) and builds a stream of values of this class, built from the most recent values of each stream.

This is done by converting all streams to Signal using holdOption, merging them using Applicative[Signal] which does parallel joining, removing all None values and mapping the resulting output. The method itself is a varargs blackbox macro, allowing for any arity of constructor function, and is based on withLatestFrom in various Rx libraries.

The call looks like this:

import com.olegpy.shironeko.util.combine

case class State(timestamp: String, count: Int, name: String)

val stream1: fs2.Stream[F, String] = fs2.Stream("1st")
val stream2: fs2.Stream[F, Int]    = fs2.Stream(2)
val stream3: fs2.Stream[F, String] = fs2.Stream("3rd")

val states: fs2.Stream[F, State] =
      // ^ --- ^ type parameter is mandatory there
    stream1, // <- streams will be checked to match expected param type
    stream2, //    after macro expansion

The call to combine will only compile if:

  • There’s Concurrent[F] instance in implicit scope
  • Streams are provided in an order such that types of their elements correspond to those in apply of type being constructed (here it’s autogenerated State.apply).
  • Number of streams provided is same as number of arguments of that apply

The previous example will compile if you swap stream1 and stream3, but won’t if you swap stream1 with stream2, nor if you add or remove a stream.

No attempt is made to match field names, or warn about possible order mismatches.

shift - using hooks in any React component

React hooks cannot be used with regular class-based components, and separating parts of state or using regular context API can be annoying. Shironeko Containers also have no place to specify an extra local state, which might be desirable in several scenarios.

Shift is a simple functional component that takes a (by-name) body and renders it directly. This body, however, might use any hooks. This can be used in containers, or in plain class-based components, e.g. in this class from todo-mvc example:

@react class NewTodoInput extends StatelessComponent {
  case class Props(onCommit: String => Unit)

  override def render(): ReactElement = shift {
    val (text, setText) = Hooks.useState("")
      className := "new-todo",
      placeholder := "What needs to be done?",
      autoFocus := true,
      value := text,
      onChange := { e => setText( },
      onKeyPress := { e =>
        if (e.key == "Enter") {

Cache - low-boilerplate cache for reducing allocations

Cache is a macro-based polymorphic cache. It uses call position in the code as a primary key.

class Foo extends StatelessComponent { 
  type Props = Unit
  private val cache = new Cache
  def render: ReactElement = {
      onMouseEnter := cache { () => println("Hovered") },
      onClick := cache { () => println("Clicked") }
    )(cache("Click me!")) // not useful here

Its primary purpose is to avoid allocating lambdas in render method, but it can be used for anything else (it might be confusing though).

It also has support for adding a key and a list of dependencies to watch. You must use key in loops, and add any values your lambda captures that are subject to change to a dependency list

class Foo extends StatelessComponent { 
  type Props = Int
  private val cache = new Cache
  def render: ReactElement = {
    val displayValue = props + 1
      List("foo", "bar", "baz").map { s =>
        // cache different funcs for the same position
        div(onClick := cache(s)(() => println(s)))
      div(onClick := cache.dependent("clicker", Seq(displayValue)) { () =>
        println(s"Current value is $displayValue")

Note that if you’re caching a lambda, you don’t need to add state or props as dependencies in Slinky, as those are methods and will always resolve to most recent state.